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GET api/client-rest/profile/getclientdetails To get a clientdetails


While a successful token exchange returns the full user profile, it's possible to retrieve it any point of time with the /user/profile API. Do note that the profile API does not return any of the tokens.

Response Structure

    "status": "Ok",
    "message": "Success",
    "result": [
         "userId": "<USER_ID>",
            "actId": "<ACT_ID>",
            "clientName": "***ABC",
            "actStatus": "Activated",
            "createdDate": "1648275191",
            "createdTime": "0",
            "mobNo": "1234567890",
            "email": "*****",
            "pan": "******123N",
            "address": "AA",
            "pincode": null,
            "officeAddress": "",
            "city": "",
            "state": "",
            "mandateIdList": null,
            "exchange": [
            "bankdetails": [
                    "bankName": "",
                    "accNumber": null,
                    "isDefault": null
            "dpAccountNumber": [
                    "dpAccountNumber": "1204150002705831",
                    "dpId": "12041500",
                    "boId": null,
                    "repository": "CDSL",
                    "edisClientCode": null,
                    "dpAccountName": null
                    "dpAccountNumber": "1204150002705831",
                    "dpId": "12041500",
                    "boId": null,
                    "repository": "CDSL",
                    "edisClientCode": null,
                    "dpAccountName": null
                    "dpAccountNumber": "1204150002705831",
                    "dpId": "12041500",
                    "boId": null,
                    "repository": "CDSL",
                    "edisClientCode": null,
                    "dpAccountName": null
            "orders": null,
            "branchId": "",
            "brokerName": "",
            "products": null,
            "productTypes": [
            "orderTypes": null,
            "priceTypes": null


Field Type Description
status String Indicates the response status, e.g., "Ok" or "Error".
message String Provides additional context on the response, such as "Success" or error details.
userId String Unique identifier for the user.
actId String Account identifier for the user.
clientName String Full name of the client.
actStatus String Current status of the account, such as Active, Inactive, or Suspended.
createdDate String Date when the account was created.
createdTime String Time when the account was created.
mobNo String Masked mobile number of the client.
email String Masked email address of the client.
pan String Masked Permanent Account Number (PAN) of the client.
address String Registered address of the client.
pincode Number Postal code of the client's address, if available.
officeAddress String Client’s office or secondary address.
city String City associated with the client’s address.
state String State associated with the client’s address.
mandateIdList Array List of mandate IDs associated with the client, if applicable.
exchange String Code representing the exchange where the trade is executed
bankdetails Array List of client’s bank details, including bank name, account number, and default status.
bankName String Name of the client’s bank.
accNumber Number Account number of the client’s bank account.
isDefault Boolean Indicates if this bank account is the default for transactions.
dpAccountNumber Array List of depository participant (DP) account details associated with the client.
dpAccountNumber String DP account number for holding securities in demat form.
dpId String Depository participant ID associated with the account.
boId String Beneficiary Owner ID for the client, if applicable.
repository String Depository repository for the account, e.g., "CDSL" or "NSDL".
edisClientCode String EDIS (Electronic Delivery Instruction Slip) client code, if available.
dpAccountName String Name associated with the DP account.
orders Array List of orders placed by the client, if any.
branchId String Branch identifier associated with the client’s account.
brokerName String Name of the broker associated with the account.
products Array List of products the client has access to, if applicable.
productTypes Array Types of trading products available to the client, such as "CNC" (Cash and Carry) and "MIS" (Margin Intraday Square-off).
orderTypes Array Types of orders the client can place
priceType String Price type(L or MKT or SL or SL-M)