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Web Socket Connection for Vendors


The WebSocket API is an advanced technology that makes it possible to open a two-way interactive communication session between the user's browser and a server. With this API, you can send messages to a server and receive event-driven responses without having to poll the server for a reply.

With a WebSocket API, you can receive quotes for all scrips across all Indian Exchanges during the market hours. The feeds are usually classified into two categories, Market Feed and Depth Feed. For every new connection, you will receive an acknowledgment (usually represented as "tk") followed by the exchange feed (usually represented as "tf").

Invalid Session

This endpoint allows clients to invalidate an existing WebSocket session. Upon successful invalidation, the session is terminated, and further communication using the session ID becomes invalid. This operation requires authentication credentials and the session ID of the WebSocket session to be invalidated.

Method APIS
Post api/client-rest/profile/ws/invalidWsSession


Parameters are as below (Payload). Use JSON content type

    "source": "API",
    "userId": "<USER_ID>"
    "token": <token>
Auth headers as shown below

Request Headers



Response from Rest API

    "status": "Ok",
    "message": "Success",
    "result": [
            "Status": "OK"

Create Session

Create a new session using REST API (Authorization token is required as in the case of other API requests)

Method APIS
Post api/client-rest/profile/ws/createWsSession


Parameters are as below (Payload). Use JSON content type

    "source": "API",
    "userId": "<USER_ID>"
    "token": <token>


Auth headers as shown below

Request Headers



Response from Rest API

    "status": "Ok",
    "message": "Success",
    "result": [
            "Status": "OK"

Create Connection

Create Connection to Web Socket using the following URL



    "susertoken": "de46ff73e9e9d9898bc40edd449f687a6084940e0fa7f43a606b9abfe6c78c91",
    "t": "c",
    "actid": "<USER_ID>_API",
    "uid": "<USER_ID>_API",
    "source": "API"
subscribe - {"k":"NSE|26000#NSE|26009#CDS|5596#NSE|13#NSE|11536#NSE|26037","t":"t"}

Response from WS


    If validation fails, response will show as its NOT_OK


Sending heartbeat

The Sending heartbeat through web socket is a way to inform server the client is still active and accepting feeds. This way, server will be able to eliminate inactive or closed client connections from server side which results in better performance. Below are the request parameters to send heartbeat to server.


        "k": "",
        "t": "h"

    k = Send this as empty for heartbeat request 
    t = Type of request, 'h' stands for Heartbeat 

Send heartbeat once in every 50 seconds.

This will NOT provide any response. Just accepting the message is the indication that your heartbeat request is received and feeds will keep coming. At present, sending heartbeat is not mandatory. However, it is advised to send heartbeat, otherwise the server will close connection after a defined timeframe if no data is being send or received. For example, if user has subscribed for some illiquid stocks which are not traded frequently, the client will not receive any feed for longer periods. This may lead to connection closure from server side. To avoid this, sending the heartbeat will inform the server that the client is still active and receiving feed.

Subscription to Market Data (LTP, Change, OHLC and Volume)



    t = Type of request, t for tick data
    k = Params for subscription with pipe ‘|’ delimited tokens and exchange. Token and
    exchange should be separated with #
Acknowledgement Response



Feed Response



This table provides the descriptions for various abbreviations used in the documentation.

Abbreviation Description
t type
tf tick feed
tk tick acknowledgement
e exchange
tk token
lp LTP (Last traded price)
pc Percentage change
cv change value (Absolute change in price)
v volume
o open
h high
l low
c close
ap Average Price
symbol Symbol Name

Un-Subscription to Market Data (LTP, Change, OHLC and Volume)



    t = Type of request, u for Un-subscription
    k = Params for subscription with pipe ‘|’ delimited tokens and exchange. Token and
    exchange should be separated with #

No response will be coming for this. Unsubscribed tokens will no longer receive feed

Subscription to Depth data (LTP, Change, OHLC, OI and Volume)



    t = Type of request, t for tick data
    k = Params for subscription with pipe ‘|’ delimited tokens and exchange. Token and
    exchange should be separated with #
Acknowledgement Response



Feed Response


Symbol Description
t type
dk depth acknowledgement
df depth feed
e exchange
tk token
lp LTP (Last traded price)
pc Percentage change
cv change value (Absolute change in price)
v volume
o open
h high
l low
c close
ap Average Price
ts Symbol Name
oi open interest
ltq last traded qty
ltt last traded time
tbq total buy qty
tsq total sell qty
uc upper circuit
lc lower circuit
bp1,bp2,bp3,bp4,bp5 Depth buy price
sp1,sp2,sp3,sp4,sp5 Depth sell price
bq1,bq2,bq3,bq4,bq5 Depth buy quantity
sq1,sq2,sq3,sq4,sq5 Depth sell quantity
bo1,bo2,bo3,bo4,bo5 Depth buy order
so1,so2,so3,so4,so5 Depth sell order

Un-Subscription to Depth data (LTP, Change, OHLC and Volume)



    t = Type of request, ud for Un-subscription
    k = Params for subscription with pipe ‘|’ delimited tokens and exchange. Token and
    exchange should be separated with #

No response will be coming for this. Unsubscribed tokens will no longer receive feed